Here is the text of the fail in U 20.04:
rein@reica3:~$ sudo /opt/WinStars3/
[sudo] password for rein:
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
Requesting 4.0 core context
"__ ___ _____ _"
"\\ \\ / (_) / ____| |"
" \\ \\ /\\ / / _ _ __ | (___ | |_ __ _ _ __ ___"
" \\ \\/ \\/ / | | '_ \\ \\___ \\| __/ _` | '__/ __|"
" \\ /\\ / | | | | |____) | || (_| | | \\__ \\ "
" \\/ \\/ |_|_| |_|_____/ \\__\\__,_|_| |___/"
"Version: 3.0.134 build number: 2395"
"Build date: 2020-05-05"
"Tue May 12 09:03:56 2020"
"QWinStars3View class constructor"
"Main working directory : /root/WinStars3"
"Main WinStars3 data directory : /root/WinStars3"
"Main WinStars3 temp directory : /tmp"
QInAppPurchaseBackend not implemented on this platform!
"native screen orientation: 2"
"pixel size x = 1392"
"pixel size y = 873"
"devicePixelRatio = 1"
"physicalDotsPerInch = 89.6471"
"devicePixelRatio = 1"
"physicalSize x = 408 mm"
"physicalSize y = 255 mm"
"m_dipNorm = 1"
"Initialisation variables"
result compass->start : false
"Magnetometer sensor not available!"
result accel->start : false
"Accelerometer sensor not available!"
"Initialisation variables"
"Init fonts and colors"
"Loading asteroids files successfully"
"Loading comets files successfully"
"Loading satellites file stations.txt successfully"
"Loading satellites file visual.txt successfully"
"Loading satellites file starlink.txt successfully"
"File /root/WinStars3/winstars3.ini is loaded successfully..."
"OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019"
"Parameters file was saved successfully"
"Server used :"
"Cpu: x86_64-little_endian-lp64"
"Arch CPU: x86_64"
"version: 5.4.0-29-generic"
"Product name: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS"
"Product type: ubuntu"
"OpenGL 4.0 used"
"QWinStars3View class initialized"
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Problem Ubuntu 20.04
Moderator: Franck
Re: Problem Ubuntu 20.04
This issue has now been resolved.