Voila ce qu'ils conseillent sur leur site (les concepteurs des pilotes ASCOM )
Resolving Problems
Unfortunately connecting to the driver does not always work first time. Here are a few suggestions for things to try, most of these have actually happened:
Is the correct cable being used? The RS232 control cable has a 4 pin connector and plugs into the base of the Hand Controller, the cable with the 8 pin connector that plugs into the PC Port on the scope base will NOT work. This cable is used for programming the MC and for HcAnywhere and NexRemote.
Is the correct COM port being used? This will vary from PC to PC, and in some cases will change when the PC is restarted.
Is any software already using the COM port? Synchronisation software for a PDA device can hold a COM port, close it down before connecting.
The HC can be sensitive to incorrect signals and will stop communicating entirely until restarted by turning the power off, then on. The most reliable connection sequence is:
Start with the PC and Scope off.
Connect the cable to the HC and the COM port on the PC.
Turn the PC on and start it.
Turn the Scope on and align it.
Start the scope control program.
Is the cable good?
Some laptops, especially Dells, seem to have communication problems. People have "resolved" this by using a USB to serial port adaptor.
Try a different control program, such as NSOL (available on Mike Swanson's NexStar site) to check that the cable and COM port is working.
Most of this testing can be done indoors with a Quick Align.
Two methods of enabling logging of communication are provided as an aid to working out what is happening
File Action
TraceOn.reg All communication between the driver and the scope is recorded in a file - C:\SerialTrace.txt
CelestronTraceOn.reg Some commands received by the driver are recorded in the file C:\CelestronTrace.txt
TraceOff.reg Turns serial communication tracing off
CelestronTraceOff.reg Turns command tracing off.
Use these control files to enable and disable logging of information to help in working out the source of any problems.
Dans le répertoire :
C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\ASCOM
tu trouveras un fichier TraceOn.reg
clique deux fois dessus
Lance winstars, essaie de te connecter avec le télescope.
Cela aura pour effet de générer un fichier SerialTrace.txt dans le répertoire c:\
retourne dans le répertoire
C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\ASCOM
et double-clique sur le fichier Traceoff.Reg (ne pas oublier de faire cette étape)
envoie-moi ensuite le fichier serialtrace.txt à l'adresse
Bien cordialement,
PS: les lx200 marchent habituellement très bien avec winstars